Real Transformation in the Eyes

A human body is made up of multifarious organs whose proper functioning keeps the body working in the proper state. The human body can be described as the ocean of various tissues and organs. Each organ plays a vital role in the body. An eye is also one of the delicate organs of the human body. It enables us to have a vision and look at various things. The eye allows us to see and interpret various things and objects. It is often said that “eyes are the window to a soul. Our life without the eyes is considered to be unimaginable without which our life would be without any light. Eyes are the most defining feature of an individual. It is the most distinctive feature of the human eye. However, due to a large amount of time spent on the smartphones or desktops it has resulted in the weakening of our eye. Sight and vision both are important as it helps us to connect with the surroundings. Eyes also help us to keep safe by making us aware of the danger around us. So, it is im...